Saturday, December 8, 2012


Living in Utah, I don't get much sun during the winter. Winter=more dry+no sun=BREAKOUTS! Plus I have a really oily face already, so my skin can become depressed during the winter. In order to counteract pimples, blackheads, and all over unattractiveness, I give myself a DIY facial every 2 weeks. Religiously. I never skip or my skin will freak out, and sometimes I need to do it more often than every two weeks. Here's my secret… (and 3 out of the 4 steps can be done in the shower!)

1. Wash face with everyday cleanser. (I let mine lather and rub it in for about a minute or so). I'm currently using Yes to Tomatoes, you can find it here

2. Scrub. Exfoliate! Since I have an oily face I use an exfoliant with 2% Salicylic Acid and only scrub on my trouble areas (my T-Zone). I LIGHTLY scrub for 1-2 minutes, and never scrub until it hurts. I like Apricot Scrub  you can find it here.

3. Steam. For 10 minutes after you wash off the exfoliant. That's right, awesome excuse to take up all the hot water!

4. Mask. For my oily face I use a clay mask, again I like Yes to Tomatoes, here. Out of all the product I use, this one is my absolute fave. I let it sit for 5-10 minutes. To make a DIY version, unfortunately you need some type of clay - this will probably require a trip to the store. Although you can check out an awesome recipe here.

If you have a dry face, there are tons of online DIY recipes you can try. Here are just a few: A) avocado and 4 T. plain yogurt, blend together and leave on face for 10 min. B) half a banana and 4 T of plain yogurt, mash together and leave on face for 10 min. C) 1 egg yolk and 2 T. of honey, mix, leave on face for 10 minutes. 

5. MOISTURIZE! Very important! And remember to wear sunscreen EVERY DAY! Especially on your face, it helps with wrinkles down the road! (Source: here). I use this daily moisturizer. 


Try this! Your skin will thank you! 

Photo credit: here

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Boys vs. Girls


When I got married I thought I knew everything about relationships because, well, heck I was getting married. I thought I had succeeded in life!

Little did I know…

Marriage can be tough! Every minute is worth it, and I have learned so much these first 6 months of being a newlywed.

So I asked a bunch of newlywed-ish friends what they've learned, and here is what I found out.


For me personally? Oh, I really DON'T know how to express my feelings. I thought I was a pimp in terms of expressing my feelings, but boy was I wrong. I have to really explain my side of each story in detail so I am completely understood.

I've learned how to forgive and let go of things faster.

Guys can compartmentalize, when girls can't. I'm always thinking about my husband and work and vice versa. I can't separate the two, when my husband can. It's so frustrating.

I've learned that if I want a clean bathroom, I have to scrub pee off the walls.


Girls are good at…. thinking. I just don't get it.

I have a nothing box. I just like to sit and think… about absolutely nothing. I love watching TV!

Women don't take the 'splash factor' into consideration. Even though I'm a pro at aiming into the toilet, I have to lift up the toilet seat because you just never know. All the yellow spots on the floor and wall are the 'splash', not my actual, *ahem* whiz.

And lastly… (this one takes the cake)

I never though putting down the toilet seat would be such a chore! My wife yells at me every time she almost falls in the toilet.


Boys don't get enough credit when it comes to bathroom *things* and women just like to think ALL THE TIME. Life's tough being a girl.

Have you learned anything after you got married/got into a relationship? I would love to hear your stories! :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Dry, Cracked, Man Hands

Embarrassing story alert. Only read if you want to laugh at the stupidity of my teenage self.

So back in the day I was a huge tomboy (meaning Jr. High days). I found guys easier to talk to because girls just seemed to disown me. Maybe it was because I didn't wear enough lipgloss and deodorant. Or perfume…But that's a whole other story for a different post.

I remember being in math class one day, (in the stupid kids math class), and I got assigned to sit next to the hottest kid in class. Well, since my girlie-girl charm was nonexistent, I decided to impress this kid with my manliness. It must have been winter because my hands were extremely dry and cracked. Did I ever think to use lotion? Of course not. So one day in class a lot of people were absent so I thought I would actually have a chance to talk to this kid. I remember going to the bathroom and washing my hands so they would be extra cracked. When I got back he commented on my dry, cracked, bleeding knuckles. He said I had "man hands". The worst part is… That made my day! Haha!

Reminds me of this man hands episode of Seinfeld…


SO - in light of the new cold, frigid, snowy weather, here are some ways to keep those hands soft and girlie.

*Lotion with Vitamin E

To help seal in the moisture! Try Burts Bees (here). Or for a cheaper option, go with St. Ives (here).

*Lotion up right after the shower

Before you get dressed! And before you get goosebumps when you step out of the bathroom :)

Leave me your thoughts and comments! :) I'd love to hear.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Diy Cardigan Buttons

Check out the before and after pics of this cardigan! Re-vamping this cardigan was SO cheap, easy, quick and made a HUGE difference!

You will need:

1. Needle

2. Thread

3. Buttons

(I got mine at Joann's for $1.90 for 8, they were buy one set get one free)

4. Cardigan


Cut off the old buttons from cardigan.


Place new button in old button hole, take needle and thread and sew (by hand) through the button hole approx. 10-15 times.


Sew the needle through the button hole, as before, and before you pull it tight, loop it through the thread to create a knot. Repeat this about 5 times.


Cut thread, step back and admire your beautiful new cardigan!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Sooooo this is an extremely personal, un-humorous blog post. I completely expose myself and lay it all out on the line. Please be considerate while reading this. I would love to hear your comments and suggestions afterwards :)


As many of you know, I belong to the Mormon religion. The growth experienced in our church is because of the missionaries, which are young men who are sent out at age 19. They serve in the U.S. or in a foreign country for two years.

LDS missionaries. Maybe you've seen them around? :)

The famous name tag that every missionary wears. 

On another note, every year we congregate as a church semiannually for "General Conference". Here our church leaders give talks to lead us as a church and they also give important church news updates, policy changes, etc. Needless to say, it's a BIG DEAL.

This is a picture of the inside of the Conference Center. 

I love going to Salt Lake and hearing the beautiful talks, music, and feeling the Spirit. Anyway, so this past weekend was conference, and there was a huuuuuuge policy change. Young men can serve missions at age 18 now instead of 19, and young women can serve at 19 instead of 21.


When the prophet announced this, all the air was sucked out of the room. Everyone was FA-REAKING out. I almost died in my chair. I was having a HUGE identity crisis… Let me tell you why.

I was raised in the church, however it was not taught in my home. Up until I was about 19, I didn't know very much of the history of my religion (i.e. Joseph Smith, the Bible, etc.) So, I wanted to go on a mission to further enhance my knowledge of the church and show Heavenly Father that I love Him, and I want to share His gospel with everyone. I have a strong testimony. I had to find my testimony at a very early age, and through trials in my life (and in my home life) I have been able to grow very close to my Father in Heaven.

I really, REALLY wanted to serve a mission. However I met the man of my dreams, fell in love, and got married instead. Do I regret getting married instead of going on a mission? Of course not. That thought has never crossed my mind. Although when the prophet announced that the missionary age is changing to 19, some thoughts crossed through my mind….

Am I good enough? Does the Lord not love me as much as those who have served on missions? Is my testimony strong enough? Am I competent in my knowledge of the teachings of the church? Am I not enough because I haven't helped as much in building the church?

But mostly I was freaking out because…


I think there is a silent stigma among members that came out that day: women who get married and don't serve a mission aren't as good as those who served missions.

Or at least, that's how I felt. No, I didn't serve a mission. No, I didn't have that amazing experience and bring many people to the gospel and knowledge of Jesus Christ. However, I still have a TESTIMONY.

In my institute religion class on Monday, someone made the comment along the lines of… "As mothers, our generation is going to raise children in a very turbulent time. I think that we are going to need that testimony that you can only get from a mission".

Um. What? Excuse me?

Well, after bawling my eyes out the ENTIRE weekend, I may have cried for a little longer after that comment. Even though I disagree with that statement, it still shook me. I know that God loves me as much as the next guy, and that He loves me as much as those who have served missions.

So…. after much praying and soul-searching I know that I am loved and I am enough.

Although… for those of you who are LDS, please be considerate and don't look down upon those who haven't served missions. We have just as strong of a testimony. God loves us just as much. We are important, competent, and worthwhile. So please watch what you say because you never know who's toes you might be stepping on. 


Let me know what you think! Please leave comments, questions, or feel free to email me at :)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

How To Properly Wash Makeup Brushes


If you can't remember the last time you washed your makeup brushes… It's time you give them a good cleaning! I try to wash my brushes once every 2 weeks to a month, it depends on how much you use them. 

This helps prevent surprise zits/blackheads. Ewwwwwwww. :)


Let me know what you think! Leave comments below or email me at :)